Dwarf Simulator

IA project created with Unity

In this project, there is a colony of dwarfs. Those dwarfs dodge and follow each other (as boids should do). Once a group of dwarf is created, they decide to go to mine. Once a dwarf finds a nugget, he goes i the tavern. When the dwarf drank too much, he pukes, and the other dwarfs will run away.

During this project, I was alone and I wanted to have at least two animations to make the dwarfs alive. The Sprite of the dwarf comes from an old game witch the assets are free to use. So, I had to animate the dwarfs by myself, I used Mixamo to rig the character and give him his two animations.

This was less work than when I animated the SSS Characters, since I used an auto-rig application. This was still very interesting to rig a character from rags.