Knock knock

Game created in team of 5 in 48h during a Game Jam

During my second Game Jam, the imposed subject were Management / Coop / Horror. Our team was made up of 3 developers one sound designer and one 3D artist. So we decided to create an old-school horror game. Two players are on the map with a monster. The game is entierly in low poly, like a PS1 game could be.

Once the player starts the game, he'll have to survive 5 minutes. After 1 minute, the light decrease until full darkness. The player will have to manage his matches to light the candles, his wood and nails to barricade the right doors. Once the monster starts moving, it'll try to roam inside the house. If the player has been seen, the monster will rush on him and try to kill him. If the two players are dead, the game is lost.

This project was very fun for severayl reasons. First, work with artists is motivating, the game takes shape while we are developing it. Moreover, no time has been wasted looking for free assets. For some reasons all animations have been deleted while the build was created. Next time, my team will take more time to create a better build.