Mana Hazard

Game created in team of 6 in 48h during a Game Jam

During my first Game Jam, the imposed subject was “When the Magic Goes Wrong” with Management / Strategy / Multiplayer as game style. Our team was made up of beginners, it was the first Game Jam for all of us. So we first decided to create a turn-based tactical game like an XCOM, however, the short time we had forced us to retreat to a JRPG-style turn-based fighting game.

The game consists of a turn-based combat between two players each with 3 characters. Each spell cast causes an increase of an overall mana gauge, the higher the gauge, the greater the risk of negative repercussions for anyone who dares to cast a spell. At the start of the game, the players alternately select their characters one by one. After that, the fight is started and lasted until all the characters of one of the players are dead.

Due to lack of time, we were unable to balance the game and animations are not called, and some items remained Placeholders. The project is therefore playable, stable but difficult to understand. We used Unity as the engine to create the game with free assets. This experience was nevertheless very pleasant and taught me to better manage my time in a game jam, in addition to having deepened my knowledge of Unity.